What we do

Aquila Himco AG is a Swiss based Global Asset Management firm providing investment management as well as advisory and consulting services on a range of topics. Aquila Himco, on behalf of its clients invests in fixed income, equities and commodities providing incremental value utilizing active and passive currency overlay. Himco also provides corporate and real estate services in Switzerland. Our philosophy is one that puts the interests of our clients first while offering transparent solutions built around long term relationships.

Aquila Himco is registered as an  Aquila group company under the FINMA Money Laundering supervision. The motherhouse Aquila Ltd. is a bank and security dealer house regulated by the Swiss Financial Authority FINMA.

Aquila Himco is also part of  the Swiss Association of Asset Managers. SAAM is the leading national trade association of independent asset managers in Switzerland. Membership in SAAM stands as a seal of approval for serious and high-quality services in the field of assets management.